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Sunday 8 May 2011

Sunday - typeday

Listening to 'Build a rocket boys' and as the title suggests, leans towards a childish nature or in experienced view attempting that potentially wouldn't work. 'Just see what happens' kind of attitude. Listening to the album I get the feeling of a light delicate sound, very honest and very enjoyable.. easy to listen to and access. The sound is very natural and that is what I wanted to create with the typeface for BARB.

For a natural approach I began by just writing. Various letter treatments while listening to the album and see what is created. There are aspects of my own handwriting I really like (ego much,) the over elaborate terminals, ascenders and descenders made, and almost childish way of writing. Using these, drew and scanned a variety of examples drawn quite naturally, and see what results I got.

Digitising a selection of drawn type firstly through live trace to get a defined outline to work from, and categorised letterforms at approximately the same size.. which took longer than I had anticipated.

Although digitising sped up the process, I didn't anticipate the extent of the work. Because I wasn't happy with the initial resolutions, I traced each letterform to create more defined letterforms and type that begins to work as sets. 

Click to view larger to see the black as the original typeface, and red as a developed solution.

Compliling strong letterforms which work as a set, and stronger out of the selection. Some are stronger than others and scale is completely wrong, and including weight of line. After this has been standardised, I can progress with the typeface. Will this be workable?


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