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Thursday 26 May 2011

AITB - combining ideas

The nature of the type meant that compositions were almost forced into a landscape format, getting the spacing of letterforms and meant it had to be done. Layouts of portrait forms meant point size was smaller than desired, especially for promotional material.

 Type spacing fits to a very simple universally spaced grid, both vertically and horizontally.

With adjustments to type aswell as format of layout, the point size of elbow has been increased, but still keeping to the gridlike format of the letterforms.

In the process of producing a typeface, in the end it feels I have ended up with three. The expansion of the layered typeface explores other possibilities. The only character I have the most concern for is the S character in the purple outline. Because the weight is so heavy, end terminals are touching which could be seen as an issue, but comparison to the B and Z show there is an obvious distinction. 

Combining ideas and applying to patterns created from the repeat pattern, although visually quite interesting, is noway readable on busier patterns of the composition.

A simpler direction was opted.


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